Sunday, February 22, 2009

My upcoming OET Examination

I have received an email notice that my OET exam will be on the 7th March 2009. Venue is at University of NSW (CBD Campus). It will start with listening test at 9am in the morning, followed by reading, writing and speaking test. Hopefully the test can be completed by 2pm. It would be mentally draining and tiring for me on that day.

Today I have trialed on a mock test on listening from the online OET sample test. I find that the conversation is rather fast and some parts of the pronunciation is a little too soft to hear. My notes taking is in a mess and unorganised, but I did get some of the answers correct. I reviewed the answers given and felt that I needed more practice to further improve and do well for the coming test.

I have also revised on all the writing sample test, as well as the reading test online. I think I will require more past years paper for effective revision. I hope I can get them this coming Tuesday when i visit the Library.

As for the speaking test, I have yet to try it out. May be I will get my husband to practice it with me soon.

Hmmm.... counting down to the test day. There is a saying, "Just do it, no matter the outcome. It's the experience that counts". Best of luck to me and make this experience worthwhile.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A day of sustainability

It was an early class today. I woke up at 7am and was busy getting ready for school.

I waited for the train for 5 minutes at Hurstville station. I boarded the train and alighted at Kograh station. Everytime I walked pass the confectionery and bakery shops located at the station, I always like to take a glance at the beautifully decorated cakes and tasty looking breads in the show cases. I like to look at beautiful things because they make me happy. Never-the-less, eating and sharing good food is another enjoyment for me.

When I reached school, Lyudmila is already at the sitting lounge waiting for the class to get started. She is always the earliest to reach school, and yet she lives the furthest amongst us. There is an idom that says "The early bird catches the worm". However, there is another idom (joke) saying "The early worm will be eaten by the bird". Hahaha... so is it good or bad about being early, give it some thought.

We had our first speaking lesson with Tricia today. We discussed in small groups, talking about topics on "Barriers in learning English" and how to overcome the barriers. We also looked into topic on sustainability, and had a fun time applying it to our daily life.

After the class has ended, some of us met up with Geeta at the "Student Support Center", which was situated inside the Library. We had an orientation to the environment, understanding the resources we are able to assess and use to improve our English. Therefore, I borrowed a book "Oxford English for Careers : Nursing". It's a book with wonderful visual aid and it comes with a CD. I will provide a review of this book once i am done reading it.

A better tomorrow everyday... Cheers!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just to get started

13 Feb 2009

A rainy day on my way to school for OET class.

Today our first lesson with Geeta is learning how to assess the computer. I have to create a Blog and here I am.... walaaaaa!